Create your KWS app

The first step in building your KWS environment is to create your KWS app:

  1. Log into your KWS Control Panel.
  2. In the main menu, select My Apps.
  3. In the top right-hand corner, click Create App/Website. The Create App view is displayed.
  4. Enter a name and description for your app.

Pay particular attention to the name that you enter for your app. This name will appear in all copy displayed to parents and users in KWS interfaces and emails.

  1. Click Save. The Basic Information view displays your new app:
  2. Enter links to your app or website’s Privacy policy and Terms and conditions.
  3. Set the following options on or off, as required by your sign-up/sign-in flow:
  • Require parent to agree to terms and conditions
  • Collect child date of birth
  • Collect parent email address
  1. Click Save.

If your app or website will be available in multiple regions, you may wish to localise your app’s basic information.

Updated on 22/04/2021

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